sábado, 5 de dezembro de 2009

Strategic Ambiguity

Link: http://twpl.library.utoronto.ca/index.php/twpl/article/view/6416/3404

Summary: This article called Strategic Ambiguity, by Monica Heller, shows how language code switching’s effects within conversation can be considered in order to manage conflicts. This conversational strategy reveals both stylistic and rhetorical aspects of code switching usage, as in situations in which the speaker chooses the language according to the interlocutor’s competences. The author’s hypothesis are based on the idea that code switching creates ambiguity primarily on these two situations: (a) when there are clear unmarked conversations of language choices; (b) when no such conventions may exist or there may be competing conventions. The author concludes that, by appealing to the notions of rights and obligations, it is possible to conceive a general concept of the strategic use of code switching “in which stylistic, conversational management and social significance effects can all be seen to be imbedded in one another”.

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